March Momentum
Do you recall the saying, “In like a lion, and out like a lamb?” You know, when referring to the March weather/wind?
Well, the month has barely started and it feels like we’re off to a roaring start. Pun intended, of course. I’m not referring to the vineyard or actually the happenings in the cellar (albeit we are quite busy on both of those fronts), but I’m referring to the events we have scheduled during Maryland Wine Month. Currently, we have about ten events (public and private) on our calendar for March, with a couple more in the planning stages.
It seems like, along with the wind, that March is a month for ideas, opportunity, and momentum. We wouldn’t be able to maintain the momentum if it weren’t for those who embrace our wines, and Maryland wines as a whole. For example, on Sunday, March 2nd we had the opportunity to have Klara featured in a dinner at Moon Rabbit curated by some of the top women pastry chefs in the country. Opportunities like this are catalysts for momentum for our wines and our story.
My cousin Dora and her boyfriend, Jacob, accompanied me to the dinner. Throughout the evening, they reveled in the caliber of food and the thought process involved in pairing. I hadn’t realized until last night that our practice as a family, a wine family, was that we often naturally paired wine with food, but not intentionally with a specific dish.
Dora, who is an experienced baker, analyzed the components and layers of each dish. We discussed the wine pairings, how the wines were made and what made one wine over the other the better choice with dish in front of us.
I’ve been to many dinners like this over my career, but never with one of my family members. This gave Dora a new perspective on pairing wine with food. Halfway through the dinner, she exclaimed, “We should make the Passover seder a whole wine pairing dinner!” A fantastic idea indeed.
Honestly, sitting next to her and Jacob gave me some new ideas. First, in the future I’m going to make sure members of my family are able to attend the dinners with me. There is something magical about sharing the pure joy of experiencing a perfect pairing. Second, it made me want to plan an event solely dedicated to pairings. Stay tuned on that one.
Throughout the night, Dora, the second youngest cousin in the Loew family, told me how proud she was to be at the dinner and of me. It was an all encompassing feeling, especially to share with her (and Jacob). Our unique history lives through our wines and I am proud when the wines can be placed on a pedestal.
So, as the winds of March roar, we’re grateful for the excitement it brings. We hope to see you at one of the events this month whether it is at the winery, an off-site event, or at the Maryland Wine Experience in Frederick.